Monday, March 7, 2011

Introduction Active Server Pages (ASP)

ASP stands for Active Server Pages which is one of the web programming language for creating dynamic web pages. ASP is one of the technology products provided by Microsoft. ASP is processed through the web server and the results of this process generates HTML that is sent through a browser.

ASP is working on a web server and a server side scripting. Unlike VBScript that works on the client or client side scripting is also called. Nevertheless ASP using VBScript as a language basis for pemogramannya.

Because the character of the ASP server side scripting can work on all the different web browsers with client side scripting that works only depends on the browser. For example, VBScript can only be run on Internet Explorer browser and can not run on Netscape browser.

ASP is very easy to learn. All it takes is familiar with HTML and VBScript. With ASP you can build dynamic web applications. ASP is also known to be very popular which compete with PHP and other web languages ​​such as Java Servlet, Cold Fusion, etc...

ASP was first introduced to the world by Microsoft on July 16, 1996, and code-named Denali. Beta version was released in November 1996, and finally ASP Version 1.0 was officially marketed to the public on December 12, 1996.

Microsoft continues to develop ASP. In 1998, Microsoft has released the latest web server software, Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS 4.0) running on Windows NT 4.0 and Personal Web Server 4.0 (PWS 4.0) that runs on Windows '98. The new web server software can support ASP Version 2.0.

With the release of Windows 2000, Microsoft launched its Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS 5.0) and the latest version of ASP Version 3.0. IIS 5.0 is actually more integrated with the Windows 2000 operating system in one package.

ASP more precisely known since March 1997. ASP increasingly popular because it is easy to learn. Of course there are many other web programming language like PHP, Cold Fusion, Java Servlet, etc. are no less popular ASP.

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